

Prof. Dr. Daniele Popolizio was born in Rome on April 27, 1977. He is a specialist psychotherapist and Mental Coach, a consultant for the  Circolo Canottieri Aniene  in Rome and several professional clubs, as well as Italian sports champions (Federica Pellegrini, Carolina Kostner, Filippo Magnini just to name a few).

Scientific Founder of EU Mental Coaching, in charge of EU-sponsored Cenpis European Sport Project 2004. Since 2002, he ha conducted consulting, training, publications, specialized speeches for radio, TV, magazines and national newspapers.

He taught at the Chair of Sport Psychology “European University of Rome” 2008-2009, the first and only in Italy at a Faculty of Psychology. Sole 24 Ore Master Lecturer 2010.

He has served as  CENPIS  president since 2011. Prof. Daniele Popolizio is the first Mental Coach recognized with merit for the countries of the European Union, a specialist in performance mechanisms, mental
strategies and interpersonal skills.

The mental coach

It happens to everyone to experience a crisis when we are under too much pressure, because expectations—our own and those of others—are too high, and because we are afraid of failure.

In work, study, relationship and family life. Then we get stuck, and things collapse. How can we get out of this tunnel? How can we discover and defeat the mental and emotional mechanisms that limit us and of which we are often unaware?

The mental coach explains this. The mental coach helps you discover your talents, dissolve panic, and manage and harness stress to achieve your goals. And it teaches a modern and innovative technique that not only enables a winning state of mind, but demonstrates how it can be achieved at any time when something as important as our future and well-being is at stake.



Winning in Life. The Art of Conquest. Expanding one's boundaries to achieve success.

by Daniele Popolizio

New Reprint: September 2015.
Scientific Thought Publisher
Format: Book - 260 pages - 14×21

We have to “fight” every day against our limitations, visible or invisible: it may happen that we do not succeed at work, in sports, in interpersonal relationships, in completing a trivial project such as a diet.

When we fail to reach the goal we set, we increase our commitment, multiply our efforts, but sometimes we never get to cross the desired finish line, and this often leads us to personal crisis.

Daniele Popolizio has devised a method of psychological preparation that, starting from the awareness of one’s own limitations and failures,
predisposes to stress management and maximum expression of one’s own talent.

A method that has been applied effectively with athletes from Circolo Canottieri Aniene, Lazio calcio, Lazio pallanuoto, Lube Volley Macerata, and professionals athletes adn champions of the caliber of
Federica Pellegrini, Filippo Magnini, Carolina Kostner, Alberto Aquilani, Hernàn Crespo, Alessia Filippi, Nicolàs Burdisso, Ivan Zaytsev, Mirco Risi &
Maria Ermachkova, Cavaliere Piergiorgio Bucci, coaches and C. T. of the
Italian national teams.

Winning in life. The mental coach of champions tells you the secrets of success

by Daniele Popolizio

Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer Publishers
Publication date: March 2010
Format: Book - 187 pages - 14×21

It happens to everyone to experience a personal crisis when we are under too  much pressure, because expectations—our own and those of others—are too high, and because we are afraid of failure. At work, in study, in relationship and in family life.

Then we get stuck, and things collapse. We feel like everything is wrong, we lose confidence in ourselves, and
every achievement seems unattainable. How can we get out of this tunnel? How can we discover the mental and emotional mechanisms that limit us and of which we are often unaware?

How can we draw useful information from negative experiences, focus on
one’s own strengths and weaknesses, and face challenges without being
affected by past failures This is explained by psychologist Daniele Popolizio, the mental coach who made Federica Pellegrini’s head stronger than her strokes and Carolina Kostner’s determination sharper than her skates, making them two international sports queens.

“Easy”, one might argue: “they are innately talented”. Or, rather, they found their talent and had the courage to ride it, pushing their limits. Are you ready then to discover your talents, melt away panic, and manage and harness stress to achieve your goals?

This book tells how the revolutionary psychological training systems developed for the battles of high-level sports also offer effective tools for those facing life’s big and small battles.

And it teaches a modern, innovative technique that enables the winning state of mind, and demonstrates how it can be achieved at any time: When we know we are in competition, when we feel under scrutiny, when something as important as our future and well-being is at stake.